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Joe "Old Master" Gans was born in Baltimore. His impact on the sport of Boxing is well documented; he is the Greatest Lightweight of all time after all, but he was more than just a boxer. As a buisness man he flourished as best as he could under the circumstances that were not in his favor. Joe Gans never squandered opportunity, he worked hard, but he more importantly worked smart. His intellectual approach to boxing, business, and societies challenges is what made him successful; he is a true example of who we should all aspire to become.  As  a Baltimore native we need to honor him not just for his accomplishements but the impact he can still have on the communities in Baltimore. A true American role model, a champion, and a legend. 

Here are our challenges

Statue to Honor Joe "Old Master" Gans

Our end goal is to put a statue of Joe "Old Master" Gans on Baltimore city land. Below you will see the steps needed to reach our goal. Each section is critical to accomplishing this task. Each section will have a separate process to achieve that step towards our goal. Please read through them and if any one of those steps is something you would like to assist with please register and send a message to the Primary Team. Thank you for taking the time to read about the cause, helping us reach our goal and bringing Joe "Old Master" Gans Statue to Baltimore city with pride. Its long over due. 
Artist to Make the statue

Our team will petition Artists to submit 1:24 scale models of their vision in honoring Joe "Old Master" Gans. Our committee will then hold a vote on which one we are interested in pursuing. Entries need to only be of the statue; we are working to develop the base, for which it will stand. Along with the entry we will need to know Material, Material Costs and timeline to completion.

So, if you know of any Artist who would be interested in submitting an entry please have them register and contact the Primary Team.

Location to Put the statue

This is a crucial area that will require everyone to be in agreement that it will properly honor the late Joe "Old Master" Gans. Our intention is to put the Statue in a high traffic, tourist area for everyone to see.  In addition we will put a mural of Joe "Old Master" Gans in Sandtown; but, that is a separate effort. In order to erect this statue we will need to get the cooperation of city officials and the public. Please if you can help in any way to allow us to pick our location and get it errected there please register and notify the Primary Team.

Maintainance Costs

Like any great landmark piece of art there will be a need of "up keep" and ensuring that the shrine to the Old Master remains respectful, presentable and truely honoring Mr. Joe Gans. Depending on the location and the material there may be special needs to maintain the statue. If this is an area that you can help, please feel free to contact the Primary Team through registeration.


Once we have identified the statue and the artist to errect this masterpiece, we must find a way to raise the money. There are several ways to help. One is to simply donate what you can, that is always appreciated. Second would be to have a fundraiser party and donate the proceeds. Lastly you can volunteer to assist the team at fundraiser events and help with the team in raising the money. All help is greatly appreciated. Please register and contact the Primary Team for more information. Or just donate, in which case we thank you for your contribution.

Fundraising Events 

All fund raising events must diligently track all funds and expenses. These documents must be turned over to the Primary team and the Ring 101 committee for tracking purposes. We would prefer that all Fund Raising events be registered with the Primary Team and displayed on the Website. Again, if you want to hold an event or just volunteer at the event, please register and contact the Primary Team,  all assitance is greatly appreciated.


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