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Here is an opportunity to 


 Bring the "Old Master" Home to Sandtown, Baltimore MD


Help us make it happen!


There are many ways to volunteer,

from walking door to door to hosting fundraising events.

Here are ways you can help:


Hosting a party is a fantastic idea for raising money for a cause. There are some important guidelines that need to be followed. An effort should be made to find Sponsors to supply things like food, drinks and any give aways being offered. All donations need to be tracked and all expenses need to be tracked. Donations include sponsor provided items.  Whenever possible a Primary team member should try and attend and ensure that the cause is appropriately represented. 

Lastly, providing the details of the event to the Primary team so it can be properly advertised on the website to help maximize attendance. 

Most importantly, have a great time sharing the story of Joe Old Master Gans and all that he has accomplished. 


All volunteers need to be registered with the Primary team. We will work with all volunteers to ensure that proper help is being distributed amongst events and convenience is a priority.  Any event that has age restrictions you must meet the requirements to be considered and you must be able to coordinate your transportation to and from the event. 

All volunteers must be approved by the Primary team and Ring 101 committee before collecting any funds directly.  

Whenever possible we will be sure to put all volunteers in the best position to be effective and maximize their contribution to the effort. 

 All minors who want to volunteer will need Parental consent and be able to arrange transportation to and from each event.


Donations to this cause will be broken down at a later date. We are going to set up a donation recognition plan, so those who really help us reach our goal are properly recognized. 

We are hoping to have all the legalities identified shortly. When they are completed the Donate buttons will be turned on. 

Join the Ring 101, Joe Gans Monument team

Thanks for submitting!

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